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FAQs, flyers, manuals and "how-to" resources

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Werise User's Guide
WeRise: A training manual for agricultural extension workers and other field agents
WeRise Researchers' Manual

Other resources

Reducing vulnerability of rainfed agriculture through seasonal climate predictions: A case study on the rainfed rice production in Southeast Asia
Development, Validation, and Dissemination of a Decision Support System for Rainfed Rice Farming in Southeast Asia: A Case Study in Indonesia
Seasonal weather prediction-based decision support system for increasing rice production in rainfed areas
Technology transfer pathways of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D): The case of the Weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (WeRise) in Indonesia
Appraisal of Rainfed Rice Production and Management Practices through Case Studies in North Sumatera and West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of the Weather-Rice-Nutrient Integrated Decision Support System (WeRise) to Improve Rainfed Rice Productivity in Southeast Asia
Technology Transfer in the Agriculture Sector: Implementation Experiences of WeRise in Indonesia and the Philippines

IRRI-Japan Collaborative Research Project

The IRRI-Japan Collaborative Research Projects have been funded by the government of Japan through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) since 1984. CCADS-RR, which is the latest project, was launched in October 2015 and will end in September 2020.