Decision Support System For Rainfed Rice Production
WeRise (Weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system)
Rainfed rice yields are low and unstable mainly because of uncertainty in rainfall amount and distribution, existence of nutrient stress, and pest occurrence. Climate change poses the grave threat of extreme weather events that could further reduce rice productivity in rainfed areas.
The IRRI-Japan collaborative research project (IJCRP) on Climate Change Adaptation in Rainfed Rice Areas (CCARA) which was implemented from 2010-2015 has developed a decision support system (WeRise) to improve the livelihood of rainfed rice farmers under current and future climate scenarios. This system uses seasonal climate predictions that provide farmers crucial weather information for the incoming cropping season such as the start and end of the rainy season and rainfall distribution during the crop growing season. It also advises farmers when to sow and transplant the crop, what variety is appropriate, and how fertilizer may be efficiently applied. The ongoing IJCRP on Climate Change Adaptation through Development of a Decision-Support tool to guide Rainfed Rice production (CCADS-RR) is continuing its development, validation, and dissemination in more geographical areas.
Field tests on the WeRise prototype are going on in Indonesia and the Philippines. The prototype for other countries may also be explored. To run the prototype, please click on the weather advisory or crop advisory image below or button above. Feedbacks to improve the prototype and/or establish collaboration are welcome.